Native Hawaiian Plants

Names of Some Important Native Plants (Starters Guide)

This is my first blog post about native plants in Hawaii! I hope you love my first blog post!


Ohia Lehua





Now you know the names of some things Hawaiian Native Plants. I hope you enjoyed my first blog post! Thanks for reading.


Images From:
Ohia Lehua

Hi guys, I am going to list the websites of a lot of different organizations that work to protect our native hawaiian plants. Native hawaiian plants are important because they are part of our hawaiian Islands and if they became instinct it would not be the same.
You can even volunteer for them. All you would have to do is go and contact them to see when they are having a volunteer day. You can help out!

Here is the Oahu army natural resources program link to their website:

This organization takes some of the endangered species that have been lowered in population by invasive species, and puts them in a nursery to breed them so they won’t become extinct. An example of this is breeding the kahuli tree snail.


Kokee Resource Conservation Program
This organization gets volunteers to come out to help eradicate invasive species, like kahili ginger, strawberry guava.

This organization make traps that capture invasive species, to lower their population and so that they do not spread as fast.

Images From:  

Trees Importance
Trees are important to the ecosystem because they are homes to many plants and animals. Also they are important to use because they provide us with oxygen and food. If we did not have oxygen we would not be able to live and also the same with food. Deforestation is a huge problem in many states and countries. Lowering the amounts animals and other resources.

Streams Importance

Streams are an important part of the ecosystem many animals make a living in the pure water that it provides. Also we depend on streams to live the water that comes down from the mountain that we drink uses the streams as its runway, if they were on there we would have no water that we could drink and live off of. Also they are the water for the trees which are the homes to animals.

Forests Importance

Forests are important because they are homes to all different kinds of species and to the trees and streams. If the trees and streams have no place to stay then the animals can not drink and live from them. Forests are a part of nature that holds special beauty, that holds many of the world's animals.

Worlds Importance

The world is important because it is our home animal's home, plant's home, and many more creature's home. Including us, we must not miss-treat our planet or we will not survive as well as many other species we carry along with us.


Mushrooms In Hawaii
In this blog post I will talk and show some picture of mushrooms that live in hawaii. First here is my Mother and Aunty Ang picking chicken of the forest mushroom in Kokee, Hawaii. Here are some pictures with them and those mushrooms and some picture of other mushrooms they saw there.

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Chicken of the forest



Other Mushrooms in Kokee

All of these mushrooms are either native or invasive they all are either poisoned or edible. There are so many different mushrooms in the world of all shapes and sizes. All different colors and are all from different place.

Pictures From: Kapua Kawelo and Hi'ilei Kawelo (My Mom and Mom's sister)


Dear Readers,
This is a blog post about how to grow plants from cuttings. I will give you a link to a powerpoint I made that shows you how to do this! Here is the link hope you like my powerpoint!

Dear Readers,
Within the next week I will be going to Kokee, Kauai and be volunteering with Kokee Resource Conservation Program! If you remember I talked about them in a previous blog post. I will be reporting back to you and put pictures on my page when I get back for my trip. I also talk about what we did to help the forests and our native plants and animal!
P.S. Check out there website if you have not for more information at:


Hello Again Readers,
I am back from Kauai! I had such a great time. So as I promised I would tell you about the work day part of my trip, well we went to a enclosure the holds lots of endangered plants. It is a very big enclosure that is about 10 archers in size. We went up to the top left hand corner of the enclosure and pulled up strawberry guavas, white gingers, caracka nut trees, and black berry vines. I with my group of my Mom, Dad, Aunty Ang, and Me killed 30 strawberry guavas, 1,500 gingers, and 500 caracka nut trees.
Ho'ohila Kawelo
Now here are some pictures from my trip: 
Here is a picture of my mom, aunty ang, and me holding up the tools we were using to weed. 
Here is a picture of my aunty ang and I weeding ginger.
Here is a picture of me standing at the entrance gate to the enclosure. 

This is a picture of our working group after our second round of weeding.
My mom is taking the picture and my dad, brother, and aunty ang are in it.



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