Thursday, January 29, 2015

Want to Blow Your Friends' Mind? Challenge them to one of these Alliterations!

What is An Alletartion First of All?
An alliteration is when the letter of the first word in the sentence stays the same. (Look below for examples)

So can you say them 5X fast? Can you do 10X fast? 

Aggressive Annie annonces about amazing alligators and admirable armadillos.

Ballerina Becky ballets beautifully, but behaves badly.

Caroline creates candies cause can.

Daisy does dances delightfully daily.

Exciting Emma elegantly enters Egypt.

Fanboy Fred frequently finds freaky, flying, ferocious, fairies.

Graceful Ginny gallantly glides, gathering great, gassy, globs.

Happy Hannah had horrific, hideous, hygiene.

Monday mornings, Maddie makes marvelous magical muffins.

More to come...

Have your own Alliterations? Comment them Below! 

Hello Guys!

Hi. I am really sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been super busy with stuff. I will soon make a new blog post on cooking fabulous pancakes. This is a meal that you can have anytime. It will be coming out soon, so please wait.

How to be a Better Artist

1. First of all do what you want!
2. Be open minded
3. Have supplies ready for use

Lastly be committed!
